Past Events
Rei Sustainability team
(10/14/2020) We got a chance to sit down and hear from Dawnielle Tellez and Andrew Dempsey of the REI Sustainability Team. From supply chain to building management, they shared how REI is fulfilling its commitment to sustainability at all points of their business operations. Missed the meeting? Check it out through the link below.
Environmental Innovation Challenge
(1/6/2021) Winter Quarter NIUW kickoff meeting. Brief introduction to NIUW + Lauren Brohawn of the Arthur W. Burek Center for Entrepreneurship speaks about the Environmental Innovation Challenge, sustainable startups and more.
Accenture Sustainability Practice
(1/13/2021) Clay Censits of Accenture came out to walk us through how Accenture is pivoting towards a more sustainable future for both themselves and their clients. Q & A with Clay touches a wide range from topics ranging from how Accenture operates to how to chart your career trajectory.
Metamorphic Gear
(1/27/2021) Lindsay Lawrence, founder of Metamorphic Gear, spoke to Net Impacters about the process of up-cycling and his journey into CSR. Metamorphic Gear is a Seattle based firm that makes accessories such as totes and wallets from materials that would have otherwise ended up as trash
Grow Plastics
(2/9/2021) - Mike Wagoner speak about his startup Grow Plastics, which seeks to implement the principles of circular economy to create, sustainably sourced, safe, and compostable food packaging.
Puget Soundkeepers
(4/14/2021) - Kristin and Gillian of Puget Soundkeepers spoke to us about their organization’s work to protect the waterways of the Puget Sound region from environmental degradation. We also learned about ways the we can help out.
Atomo Coffee
(4/21/2021) Do you like coffee? Do you like sustainability? Meet Andy Kleitsch, co-founder of Atomo Coffee right here in Seattle. Atomo Coffee uses innovative up-cycling methods that allows them to create a great tasting cup of coffee from products that would have otherwise been agricultural waste. Listen to Andy's talk as he describes Atom Coffee's vision, journey, and rise.